Little Wings Preschool
Little Wings PreschoolLittle Wings Preschool is well known preschool in Badlapur and now has 3 Branches all over the city. we have batches for Playgroup Nursery Jr. KG and Sr. KG where kids can experience fun learning in Audio Visual Classrooms. we also conduct different sessions such dance, crafts, activities, story telling and many more ! we have well experienced Teachers who ensure healthy and friendly atmosphere in the class !
Little Wings Preschool assures child’s safety by providing caring and comforting environment along with Primary Medical First Aid Kit.
we welcome your child in our Preschools with happy faces !!
Our Address :- Shop No. 3, Siddhachaitanya Society, Opp. Kirti Uday , near Gite Chowk, Katrap , Badlapur (E.)